Podcast Ep. 98: Law Firm Email Newsletters Crafted with a Unique Voice Engage and Convert

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This is a podcast episode titled, Podcast Ep. 98: Law Firm Email Newsletters Crafted with a Unique Voice Engage and Convert. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this podcast, Margo Aaron, a marketing copy expert, speaks about ways marketers can craft law firm email newsletters that engage and convert.</p> <p>View full show notes <a href= "https://good2bsocial.com/podcast-ep-98-law-firm-email-newsletters-crafted-with-a-unique-voice-engage-and-convert/"> here</a>.</p>


In this podcast, Margo Aaron, a marketing copy expert, speaks about ways marketers can craft law firm email newsletters that engage and convert.

View full show notes here.