Ep. 17 Top Three Actions To Take After Building Your Website
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This is a podcast episode titled, Ep. 17 Top Three Actions To Take After Building Your Website. The summary for this episode is: Have you built a new website or redesigned your existing one and don’t know what to do next? In this Legal Marketing 2.0 episode, hosts Guy Alvarez and Tim Baran discuss the top three takeaways - content, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media - from our popular blog post: You’ve Built a Website. Now What? It starts with content Without content you can’t have a successful SEO or social media strategy. "You’ve built the Ferrari (website) and now you need the fuel (content) to make it go." But, not typical content - about the firm or the attorney, or practice area description. We’re talking about thought leadership and client-centric content that anticipates the issues and concerns your target audience has. Clients want lawyers who understand their problems, their business, and have the experience to handle their issues, and the best way to demonstrate that is with client-centric content. Instead to starting out with what you do, talk about the problems your target audience face and then show how you can help. TIP: Create content based on success stories with examples of how you’ve been able to help a client overcome a legal challenge. Why do success stories work? Because we all like stories and it’s a great way to demonstrate your legal skills and experience. Always be thinking SEO Create client-centric content that engages your potential clients while having SEO in the back of your mind, such as the keywords and key phrases that your target audience would. Use keywords in the right places and include long tail key phrases. TIP: Use Yoast SEO, a WordPress Plugin that helps you use your keywords properly in the title, body, and meta description, and optimize pages for each keyword. Social Media You can have great client-centric content on your site but if no one’s reading it, what good is it? In addition to SEO, you should use social media to help people find your content. TIP: Use paid social to increase your reach and exposure. You should also curate content and engage on the social channels. Curating content writing by others enhances your position as a thought leader and helps you build relationships with influencers and others. See: A Social Media Strategy Checklist for Law Firms. Additional takeaway Don’t forget to measure everything. Not just web analytics like page views and visitors to your site, but tracking downloads, social media posts, emails, and so on. Make sure you have the tools and KPIs in place to measure what’s working and what isn’t.